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Benefits of strong network management.

Apr 17, 2024

Our top tips on how you can better understand your network infrastructure.

As your business grows, to remain agile, you need to be able to scale your IT networks to accommodate new requirements and deliver a more extensive range of capabilities. It is crucial to have the appropriate management activities, performance optimisation needs, and security measures to ensure your network can grow with you.

There are many factors contributing to the smooth running of your IT and the chances are it has been slowly built up over time. Your IT system must cope with numerous things at once to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. This includes the network, security, access permissions, applications and much more.

As a result, your company may have outgrown the infrastructure set in place many years ago, whilst there could be some key technical issues slowing down your efficiency levels.

Our Head of Networks and Security, Ashley Le Hegarat, looked into the potential issues with poor networks and network management. He has also put together some top tips on how you can better understand your network infrastructure to make the most of your investment.

Why you need a strong network

Improve productivity:

A lack of staff productivity can be detrimental to any business and much of this can come down to the IT network you are using. It is important that your IT network is always available to your staff with no down time for your team to be productive. Unexpected IT errors or slow network connections can hinder your team making technology a blocker rather than an enabler and this is only going to result in a negative impact on your business.

Computer networking services also facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among employees, regardless of their physical location. Through secure intranet and internet connections, teams can collaborate in real time, share resources, and work collectively on projects. This enhances productivity, fosters innovation, and accelerates decision-making processes.

Data accessibility and security:

Businesses deal with vast amounts of sensitive data, including customer information, financial records, and intellectual property. Computer networking services ensure secure storage and accessibility of this data. Robust network security protocols, firewalls, and encryption techniques safeguard businesses against cyber threats, data breaches, and unauthorised access, instilling trust among customers and stakeholders.

Scalability and flexibility:

As businesses grow, so do their technological needs. Computer networking services offer scalable solutions, allowing businesses to expand their IT infrastructure seamlessly. Whether it’s adding new devices, accommodating more users, or integrating advanced software applications, a well-designed network can adapt to changing requirements, ensuring the business remains agile and responsive in a dynamic market.

Disaster recovery and business continuity:

Natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or hardware failures can disrupt business operations. Computer networking services include robust disaster recovery plans and backup systems, ensuring that critical data is protected and can be quickly restored. This minimises downtime, preserves the business reputation, and allows operations to resume swiftly, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.

The solution – Network Audits

What is a network audit:

A network audit will assess your IT infrastructure and determine where there are technical frailties, security risks and key areas that can be improved upon. It will alert you to the potential risks of your existing infrastructure and aid significant improvement in the future.

Network audits also give organisations a complete analysis of their security systems. These audits enable companies to fix faults proactively, protect sensitive data, and design a more reliable IT security plan.

The best place to start your network audit is in building an inventory of your existing network. This includes detailing the devices that are running on your network at each location. It’s important to include both physical and virtual network infrastructure associated with each location.

Another important part of the process is to identify the services and service providers at each location. This includes noting the telecom carriers, ISPs, and network providers you are using at each location along with contract expiration and pricing or rates.

Once you’ve created a comprehensive inventory of your devices and services at each location, the next step is to determine if any devices are obsolete, outdated, or nearing end-of-life. This includes hardware such as routers, switches, and firewalls. It may also include software, licenses, versioning, and support.

Why you should do a network audit:

Find out what software is in use:

If everyone involved in your company has the capability of installing software on your network, there could be a whole range of programmes using up valuable space. What’s more, there’s even the possibility of employees having installed software on your network for sharing illegal files or those that aren’t work relevant.

Review bandwidth demands:

Bandwidth is limited, so the way it’s shared among your users should always be carefully considered. Bandwidth usage and distribution monitoring can help you determine whether you need to expand your network. It can also help you determine whether any individual applications or devices are experiencing bandwidth problems that need to be addressed.

When you have a clear understanding of bandwidth usage, you’ll have insight into which applications should and should not be prioritised, as well as where congestion is occurring. Managing your network traffic flow effectively can even help you boost the performance of your network.

Benefits of network audits:

There are significant benefits to having a network audit carried out on your IT. The chances are there is a range of incredible improvements you can take advantage of, which a network audit would highlight.

A network audit helps you gain visibility into any potential network issues, allowing them to be rectified before causing downtime or impacting business performance. Network audits and assessments also allow you to achieve the following:

  • Minimise unknown variables within your network.
  • Help compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.
  • Produce concrete and informed plans so you can take action.

With a network audit you can create a proactive environment, which is much better for your business than a reactive. With reactive, you are waiting for something to happen. When it does, you’ll then waste time having the error reported and fixed.

Proactivity ensures potential errors are fixed before they can pose a problem for your company. You’ll find out everything that could cause potentially serious damage and ensure this is corrected.

Benefit from reliable and scalable network infrastructures, carefully crafted to support your specific needs while ensuring optimum performance and seamless connectivity.


Ashley Le Hegarat

Head of Networks and Security

Gain visibility into potential network issues

Benefit from reliable and scalable network infrastructures

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